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AIMS - Autonomous Infrastructure, Management and Security. University of Ghent, Belgium. Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic. UPC, Barcelona, Spain. University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg. University of Nancy, France. University of Zurich, Switzerland. University of Twente, Netherlands. Jacobs University Bremen, Germany. University College Oslo, Norway. Springer LNCS 8508, June 2014. Springer LNCS 7943, June 2013. Springer LNCS 7279, June 2012. Springer LNCS 6734, June 2011.
, son considerados de manera fundamental para alcanzar una calidad excelente de los productos y servicios.
Шановні учасники конференції Сучасні інформаційні системи і технології, AIST 2014, повідомляємо, що конференція відбудеться з 14 по 16 травня 2014 року. За результатами конференції буде опубліковано збірник тез доповідей, якому присвоєно ISSN 2311-8504. 15052014 о 15-00 відбудуться секційні засідання конференції.
Iexcl;Bienvenidos a ALAIPO! En la era de comunicación cualitativa, el presente espacio virtual, pretende ser un punto de encuentro de todos aquellos que libremente desean potenciar y perfeccionar la interacción entre los seres humanos y las nuevas tecnologías en el siglo XXI. El objetivo principal es facilitar la comunicabilidad y hacer más agradable la fruición de las nuevas tecnologías.
International Competition on Computational Models of Argumentation. By sending a mail with the subject. Subscribe argumentationcompetition your first name your surname. The competition aims at nurturing research and development of implementations for computational models of argumentation.
La Asociación de Técnicos de Informática -ATI-. ATI posee una estructura de vocación federal, por la que se organiza por Capítulos que agrupan a los socios de una o más comunidades autonómicas.
IFIP - International Federation for Information Processing
Eduard Dundler
Hofstrasse 3
Laxenburg, 2361
Eleventh Annual IFIP WG 11. 10 International Conference on Critical Infrastructure Protection.
Thirteenth Annual IFIP WG 11. 9 International Conference on Digital Forensics. Please view the Privacy and Security Notice. With regard to use of this system.
23rd IFIP TC 7 Conference on System Modelling and Optimization. Cracow, Poland, July 23-27, 2007. 22nd IFIP TC 7 Conference. AGH University of Science and Technology. Book of Abstracts - PDF version.
Welcome to the Working Group 8. The aim of this working group is to promote collaboration across disciplines in E-Business Information Systems research and practice. Many of the working groups in IFIP include some focus on elements of E-Business, however, this proposed working group would focus on multi-disciplinary issues across the breadth of E-Business Information Systems.
Welcome to the Working Group 8. The aim of this working group is to promote collaboration across disciplines in E-Business Information Systems research and practice. Many of the working groups in IFIP include some focus on elements of E-Business, however, this proposed working group would focus on multi-disciplinary issues across the breadth of E-Business Information Systems.